A downloadable game for Windows

This is for my ist assignment, very good game, thrilling story, 


You come home only to find LITTLETIMMY and he is doing HARCORE ACID and now you have to kill the crackheads trying to killl LITTLE TIMMY but... what will the acid do to timmy?

Artist: FoePound

Music: https://www.bensound.com

License code: R2RU8LD8SDZXWRJF

Project: Game, arg, film, programming, 3d modeling, animation

Name: Dreams

Language: C#

Engine: Unity 2022


I have programmed a basic first person controller with the ability to jump and sprint however the crouching mechanic can wait or won’t be implemented however I would prefer to have one as it can allow for more interesting gameplay, next control will be to implement a speech dialogue attribute to the controller character. I have already made a basic main menu and tutorial level with my first character being a 2d Sprite in a 3d setting. I will use textures from the unity asset store for now and later exchange them for my own.


Plan for game: 

Story will revolve around school life or work life referring to chatswood high and try make it a representation of how daily life is, representing it in a darker way, make it representative of things such as, happy nice poppy colors settings and characters be representing drugs or outlets, represent real life as methodical and gray and black (black and white), represent another 3rd party which borders between color and lack of color - maybe representing another friend or exterior person trying to bring main character back to reality??? Will start off in dream like world for tutorial then transition to gray world, characters will probably be a mix of 2d and 3d models, tutorial shows mechanics such as parkour, crouching might add a shooting section of the game. Second world is office building or school, then build slow storyline of displaying day to day life boring stuff computer black and white very grey no color, then devolve a little bit more should take max 20 minutes before jumping into chase sequence where color character comes in brings more color into the world you run away from gray or gray people then translation to world 3, world 3 consists of sneaking around or shooting or parkor, or runing, probably not sneaking as too hard to program or too long. World 3 progresses character to try escape the grey zone might incorporate physics and keycards or keys to collect then transition world 4. World 4 takes place in general world, represent world figures such as cops or citizens as gray people still progress story forward, color guy guiding character to a building. World 5 plot twist if you follow color character you die or killyourself maybe due to overdose or suicide, throughout game 3rd party character will appear and give vague advice, there is another ending I will try to make where you redeem yourself by balancing yourself with equal gray and equal color. This is a rough draft.






Parkour sky zone thing, with one npc which you can interact with and talks to you with textbox, teaches basic mechanics.




I have successfully 3d modeled and rigged a basic human model, will animate later however for now it serves as a good placeholder for the game, rethinking the project it might be too ambitious for the time I am given, I could possibly switch up, if I did I would do a shorter horror game, however this story game would probably get me more marks as it requires more assets scripts and effort, will consider.


Further reconsideration the project has about 5 weeks until its due date, CHANGING THE GAME, will be a short horror story focused around a murder, son of sam possibly? Real life horror mixed into the game will focus and change some stuff. ALSO RESTARTED PROJECT, 3d models all made and well however I will be starting the project from scratch due to the cloud file I saved becoming corrupted due to an error, luckily I did not get that far in it, I will get pictures to screenshot however of my old progress.


I made a basic first person controller for the game, basic sprinting and walking and looking, will implement crouching soon as well as this. I have also 3D modeled a glock for the main character to use, will animate next week probably and work on textures as well as more props.


I have implemented crouching into my game, I have had to write a couple more lines so it doesn’t interfere with my sprinting function, I may implement jumping but as of 9:38 I am unsure if I would want to do that, I will soon implement a sprint bar, shooting mechanic, speech dialogue, menu, and possibly inventory. I tried making the transition between crouching and standing smoother however it only works when the character is in motion not when it is standing still so will fix later. Just put in jumping function, will make tabel of priorities

  • Sprint Bar
  • Shooting Mechanic
  • Speech Dialogue
  • Menu
  • Inventory(Maybe?)


I have had to take a quick break for my game dev due to funeral stuff, anyways now I have successfully implemented raycasts which allows for a gun function to be made in my game, raycasts are basically invisible rays that are shot out from a specific point on your character or wherever you want, you can adjust their range, accuracy and spread/ width, 


Took me a while but I have made an ai that goes to a point before going to chase the player, its a pretty nice feature and allows for a nice chase to the player, I also programmed to locate where it is facing and know where it is in a public float where it specifies where the rotation is of the forward, anyways I put glasses


Cleaned up some animations of character basic human model, anyways i made a walking animation and made a basic police officer texture, really hard to implement


I have sort of implemented the character into my game, very hard to articulate and positon without it bugging out so I will continue it later, I also made a health system for the player, defining the players health with a public int set as PHealth, as well as this I also mad a max health and minus health function I intend to impliment into my enemy


I managed to make a player damage function for my enemy, only issue I found was that it was too automatic so I needed to make an attack cooldown for my enemy which took not too long, my main issue I found with making the enemy was detecting collison, I was using the wrong sort of check for the game objects collider tag that requires a rigidbody, I am NOT using rigidbodies too much physics I am not knowledgeable about, anyways i eventually figured I needed to turn my enemy into a trigger rather than box collider and enable the tag check functions


I spent today finding inspiration and documenting a little bit out in chatgpt to find a suitable idea for the story of the game, found a good one, basing it off a real life event about a police shooting, very nice


3d modelled the house AKA main map, used floor plans and was extemyl tedious, thats all


Made all the textures for the brick walls, roof, grass, dirt and concrete for the environment took too long as I used a software to make them more pixelated and PS1 style, took a long time and made my pc lag


Practised baking lights which is a method of lighting which conserves and optomisezs the game as instead of simulating light constantly inside the computer it prints out the light as a texture, as an example if I had a shadow and baked the light, the shadow is not made from the light, the light doesn’t techincaly exist logically, the shadow is a drawing, connected to the texture of the ground, so time consuming however, baking olights of just one shadow takes about 5-10 minutes, that is just ONE object imagine an entire scene, takes so long but so worth it


Fixed animations for my gun, 3dmodelled a glock and made animations then put them into the animator tree and made bools to check conditions to allow for smooth transitions between the states idle and shooting, pretty good, as well as this also did particle system, got gun down with ammo amount as well as magazine amount, so reloading is made as well as an animation for reloading, also made toggable flashlight, 


Made basic layout of map for main game, made main menu, options menu and a bleeding affect when player is hurt, placiing enemies and trying to rig them up to enemy model, so time consuming, will try making cutscenes.


About to head into mountains, made basic map, made basic lighting, made ambient sound, 3d modelled a door, enemy kills player, player can kill neemy, player max mags I have set is 3 with 15 bullets in each mag, very specific stuff, I still need to put everything together.

End conclusion:

I have learnt a lot about programming and even when this assignment is handed in I will continue to work on this project, I am really a lot more passionate about programming and technology related in general due tot his project, unfortunately I was not able to meet the goals I wanted due to the difficulty that was not perceived before as well as unfortunate events appearing that would hinder my ability to work outside of school hours, however I am still quite happy with my efforts even if the game is unfinished as of now.

Published 22 hours ago
TagsSingleplayer, Story Rich


ISTGameTest.rar 94 MB

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